We operate solely on donations. Our adoption fee is $175.00, most of the time it barely covers medical expenses.
Siberian Cat Rescue was re-formed in June of 2002 under the name of Siberian Cat Rescue Group when Ivan our first rescue kitty was located in a shelter and needed some assistance in finding a new home. SCRG will also assist in the rehoming of Siberians if the owner is no longer able to keep their kitties rather than have one turned into a shelter. We encourage breeders and pet owners alike to please let their family members know we are here if you should become incapacitated or in the event of a death we would be able to assist in the placement of your cats.
SCRG is a non-profit organization. We are run by a Board of Directors with volunteers from all over assisting us in placement, fostering and what ever else needs to be done. Our major fund raising is done through our fund raising page and through generous donations from the Siberian community. This breed is becoming very popular and with this will come the need for Siberian Cat Rescue.
SCRG is very grateful to those " friends" of the Siberian Cat who have sent and continue to send very generous donations. We also want to thank the "unknown" angels who sent food to our foster home during our puppy mill rescue of 6 Siberians cats and kittens in September 2002. These donations make it possible for us to continue our work helping other Siberians who may need our assistance in the future.
Board of Directors |
President | Pamela Martin |
Vice President | Beverly McCurdy |
Volunteer Co-ordinator |
Beverly McCurdy |
Treasurer | Pamela Martin |
Fund Raising | Jay Collins |
Secretary | Cynthia Tunello |